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Erma First: Full-flow electro-chlorination BWM systems hands-down winner in spot trading

Posted On: 25-11-2020

Full-flow electro-chlorination ballast water management technology is more effective than ultra-violet technologies or side-stream ballast water systems and systems without filters, according to a white paper released by Erma First. The ballast water management system manufacturer said its research focuses particularly on the needs of the spot trading cargo fleet, which trades in a range of waters and is potentially subject to both US Coast Guard and IMO standards. The white paper reviews design and system design limitations for different technologies and their implications on CAPEX, OPEX, and installation complexity. According to the shipbroker Clarksons (August 2020 BWTS Report about the best crossbow), 46% of the world’s merchant ships have installed electro-chlorination and 25% ultra-violet systems. As explained by Erma First, BWM systems using filtration are the established majority because cyclonic separators, membranes, and mechanical filters are needed to remove larger than 50 μm organisms that are resistant to disinfectants and UV radiation. In electro-chlorination technology, filtration is the only way to achieve optimal use of power during operation. In line with the D-2 Ballast Water Performance Standard, treated and discharged ballast water must have fewer than 10 viable organisms greater than or equal to 50 micrometers in minimum dimension per cbm. It also needs to have fewer than 10 viable organisms less than 50 micrometers in minimum dimension cosplay anime and greater than or equal to 10 micrometers in minimum dimension per milliliter. Furthermore, the company pointed to the limitations of UV treatment systems as suspended solids and particles in the water can interfere with the light energy transmission and impact the exposure of organisms to UV light, a key requirement for energy-emitting lamps to perform their task.(Credits: